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Island teachers need more support.
If you consider how much has changed both inside and outside of PEI classrooms, it’s easier to understand why:
Class Composition
Today’s classrooms consist of a wide range of learners. This includes academic, behavioural, social, and/or emotional needs. With wide ranging learning levels in the same class, teachers are forced to plan and deliver multiple lessons as they strive to meet students at their individual levels.
Non-Instructional Duties
Resources & Supports
Social Media
Social media allows the disgruntled (often vocal) minority to spread misinformation, share hate, and tear down a teacher’s reputation in any given post.

Teachers alone can only do so much. All aspects of education require support and collaboration from Government and community partners.

A recent survey revealed just how deflated teachers are feeling due to the pressure, scrutiny, and negativity directed toward them online
Many are even second-guessing their career choice.
Over 50% don’t feel respected by the public.
Over 43% wouldn’t recommend teaching as a profession to a younger generation.
During their first five years of teaching, over 64% contemplate leaving the profession.
The quality of the education our teachers deliver is directly linked to the support they receive from you.
Together, we can make a
Teacher Profile Videos
Check Your Answers
There’s a lot that people believe about teaching that is either false or doesn’t tell the whole story. Let us set the record straight on a few common misconceptions about what it’s like to be a teacher.
Misconception: Teachers only work during school hours.
Misconception: PD Days are a waste
Misconception: Teaching is just about delivering information.
Reality: Effective teaching involves understanding and meeting individual student needs, adapting to various learning styles, and fostering critical thinking.
Classrooms operate the same as they did when parents were in school.
Today’s classrooms are incredibly complex and far different from those in the past. There is an increased awareness of diverse learning styles meaning teachers must address a wider range of student needs, requiring a more personalized approach.
Misconception: Teachers have complete control over the curriculum.
Reality: Curriculum decisions are made by the Department of Education – not by teachers or administrators.
Students always behave.
Misconception: Teachers have all the resources they need.
Reality: Lack of resources, both human and physical, can pose challenges for teachers in providing the best learning experience.
Misconception: Anyone can be a teacher
Reach a
Reach a
The Prince Edward Island Teachers’ Federation believes communication between home and school is important and requires a team approach. Respectful communication is essential to help students succeed.
If you need to connect with your child’s teacher, you can find their contact information in the school directory.
Please consider the following before contacting and while waiting for a response from your child’s teacher:
2. The teacher’s primary focus during school hours is their students.
It is important to temper expectations of a teacher’s response while class is in session. Many teachers are involved in organizing extra-curricular activities for students after school (sports, performing arts, extra help, etc.).
Please trust that the teacher will respond to you as soon as possible.
If your concern is immediate, please call the school.
3. If there is a concern, please contact the teacher directly at the school.
We are in this together. It is not appropriate to openly criticize or defame teachers and/or school administration online.
4. Teachers want the very best for their students, and this means being supported by their student’s parents. Your attitude at home will directly influence your child’s attitude at school.
5. Being involved in your child’s education helps to ensure success. There are many ways to connect including attending Meet the Teacher night, Parent/Teacher interviews, and school activities.
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The survey was skillfully crafted in collaboration with Insight Studio, a local marketing agency, as a crucial element of the campaign. The target audience for the survey comprised the 1,500 members of the PEI Teachers’ Federation. Respondents were provided with the convenience of completing the survey online through secure email invitations sent out by the PEITF.
The online survey was accessible for ten days, from June 29th, 2022, to July 8th, 2022, closing at 11:59 p.m. At the survey's conclusion, it had received 486 responses, representing a substantial portion of the Federation's membership. All responses were kept strictly confidential, and no personally identifiable information was collected.
Brought to you by:

The survey was skillfully crafted in collaboration with Insight Studio, a local marketing agency, as a crucial element of the campaign. The target audience for the survey comprised the 1,500 members of the PEI Teachers’ Federation. Respondents were provided with the convenience of completing the survey online through secure email invitations sent out by the PEITF.
The online survey was accessible for ten days, from June 29th, 2022, to July 8th, 2022, closing at 11:59 p.m. At the survey's conclusion, it had received 486 responses, representing a substantial portion of the Federation's membership. All responses were kept strictly confidential, and no personally identifiable information was collected.